Youth Prayer Breakfast (during the school year)
Senior High & Middle School | Wednesday mornings 7:15AM @ Chick-Fil-A, Mr. Joe White Ave, Myrtle Beach
*Students are provided rides to schools located in Myrtle Beach & Carolina Forest areas.
Methodist Youth Fellowship "MYF" for Middle & Senior High School youth - during the school year
Sunday Nights at the North Campus (weekly schedule noted in The Steeple)
5:15-7:15PM - Light meal, devotion and program
Youth Sunday School Classes
Sunday Mornings | 9:00 - 9:45AM | Wesley Building room #204, Main Campus
Senior High & Middle School | Wednesday mornings 7:15AM @ Chick-Fil-A, Mr. Joe White Ave, Myrtle Beach
*Students are provided rides to schools located in Myrtle Beach & Carolina Forest areas.
Methodist Youth Fellowship "MYF" for Middle & Senior High School youth - during the school year
Sunday Nights at the North Campus (weekly schedule noted in The Steeple)
5:15-7:15PM - Light meal, devotion and program
Youth Sunday School Classes
Sunday Mornings | 9:00 - 9:45AM | Wesley Building room #204, Main Campus
First Methodist Church of Myrtle Beach
Main Campus: 901 N Kings Highway, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
Main Campus: 901 N Kings Highway, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
First Methodist Church of Myrtle Beach - North Campus
Child Development Ministry: 904 65th Ave N, Myrtle Beach SC 29572
Child Development Ministry: 904 65th Ave N, Myrtle Beach SC 29572
Mailing Address: PO Box 1367, Myrtle Beach SC 29578
Phone: 843-448-7164 Email: [email protected]
Office Hours: 8AM to 5PM, Monday - Thursday; 8AM to Noon, Friday
Sunday School & Worship Schedule - Main Campus
9:00 AM | Sunday School - all ages
10:00AM | Contemporary Worship, Wesley Worship Ctr
10:00AM | Traditional Worship, Sanctuary
Nursery provided for infants up to age 2 in the Wesley Building during Sunday school and worship.