Serving Teams | Hospitality
The Hospitality teams exist to provide the warmest atmosphere possible for guests and members alike. Our goal is to make every person who comes through our doors feel like family
The Hospitality teams exist to provide the warmest atmosphere possible for guests and members alike. Our goal is to make every person who comes through our doors feel like family
Greeters: Contemporary and Traditional Worship Services as well as special events
Greeters are the first face you see when you walk through the doors. They offer an outstretched hand, a smile and a word of welcome. Greeters should become familiar with the campus so that you are able to assist with locating the nursery, restrooms, fellowship hall, Sunday school classes, church parlor and other important areas of the church. You may accompany visitors to a seat and introduce them to someone along the way. Make everyone you greet feel like you have received them into your home and you are happy that they are there.
Fellowship Friends:
Stand with new members when they join the church. Invite them for Sunday school, small group studies, and special events. Introduce them to others , make calls, send cards and check on them when they are absent from church.
Church Family Events set-up/clean-up:
Volunteer to help set-up and clean-up for church family events such as Shrove Tuesday Pancake Suppers, BBQ’s, Advent decorating and other times when many hands help to make the task easier.
Greeters are the first face you see when you walk through the doors. They offer an outstretched hand, a smile and a word of welcome. Greeters should become familiar with the campus so that you are able to assist with locating the nursery, restrooms, fellowship hall, Sunday school classes, church parlor and other important areas of the church. You may accompany visitors to a seat and introduce them to someone along the way. Make everyone you greet feel like you have received them into your home and you are happy that they are there.
Fellowship Friends:
Stand with new members when they join the church. Invite them for Sunday school, small group studies, and special events. Introduce them to others , make calls, send cards and check on them when they are absent from church.
Church Family Events set-up/clean-up:
Volunteer to help set-up and clean-up for church family events such as Shrove Tuesday Pancake Suppers, BBQ’s, Advent decorating and other times when many hands help to make the task easier.
First Methodist Church of Myrtle Beach
Main Campus: 901 N Kings Highway, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
Main Campus: 901 N Kings Highway, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
First Methodist Church of Myrtle Beach - North Campus
Child Development Ministry: 904 65th Ave N, Myrtle Beach SC 29572
Child Development Ministry: 904 65th Ave N, Myrtle Beach SC 29572
Mailing Address: PO Box 1367, Myrtle Beach SC 29578
Phone: 843-448-7164 Email: [email protected]
Office Hours: 8AM to 5PM, Monday - Thursday; 8AM to Noon, Friday
Sunday School & Worship Schedule - Main Campus
9:00 AM | Sunday School - all ages
10:00AM | Contemporary Worship, Wesley Worship Ctr
10:00AM | Traditional Worship, Sanctuary
Nursery provided for infants up to age 2 in the Wesley Building during Sunday school and worship.