Our Mission
Our mission is to support the stability of our community by providing basic needs and other services to empower individuals and families during a time of crisis. Our Vision Through kindness and compassion, we provide services that enrich lives and create a sustainable lifestyle for our community. Helping Hand of Myrtle Beach has four primary service areas: emergency food assistance, rental assistance, utilities assistance, and transportation assistance.
Helping Hand was started by First Church in 1971 as an outreach to help teenage visitors to Myrtle Beach. Having incorporated in 1976, its services were extended to help transients and locals of all ages with short term assistance including a food pantry, rent and utility assistance, transportation (bus tickets), prescription drugs, and SNAP applications. They assisted 4,365 households in 2022 (34% increase over 2021). We can be proud of our connection with Helping Hand and the support given by First Church members.
First Methodist Church of Myrtle Beach
Main Campus: 901 N Kings Highway, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
Main Campus: 901 N Kings Highway, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
First Methodist Church of Myrtle Beach - North Campus
Child Development Ministry: 904 65th Ave N, Myrtle Beach SC 29572
Child Development Ministry: 904 65th Ave N, Myrtle Beach SC 29572
Mailing Address: PO Box 1367, Myrtle Beach SC 29578
Phone: 843-448-7164 Email: [email protected]
Office Hours: 8AM to 5PM, Monday - Thursday; 8AM to Noon, Friday
Sunday School & Worship Schedule - Main Campus
9:00 AM | Sunday School - all ages
10:00AM | Contemporary Worship, Wesley Worship Ctr
10:00AM | Traditional Worship, Sanctuary
Nursery provided for infants up to age 2 in the Wesley Building during Sunday school and worship.