The Main focus of the ministry exemplifies the Agape, fatherly love of God. He loves us immeasurably with an unconditional love, which we, in a small fashion, try to give to others. We are dedicated to prayerfully gathering and assembling items into a decorative box to give as a gift for the sole reason of spreading the Love of Jesus. WHAT IS AN AGAPE LOVE BOX? It is a gift that represents the Love of Jesus, beautifully wrapped in a decorative box that is filled with items that are reminders that Jesus Sees them, Knows them, is always With them ...and most importantly, that He Loves them at ALL times. Every Box includes a Devotional, Journal, pen and a few small gift items either handmade, crafted or bought. We've consistently grown every year, all thanks to the helping hands of this amazing community of volunteers and givers. |
First Methodist Church of Myrtle Beach
Main Campus: 901 N Kings Highway, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
Main Campus: 901 N Kings Highway, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
First Methodist Church of Myrtle Beach - North Campus
Child Development Ministry: 904 65th Ave N, Myrtle Beach SC 29572
Child Development Ministry: 904 65th Ave N, Myrtle Beach SC 29572
Mailing Address: PO Box 1367, Myrtle Beach SC 29578
Phone: 843-448-7164 Email: [email protected]
Office Hours: 8AM to 5PM, Monday - Thursday; 8AM to Noon, Friday
Sunday School & Worship Schedule - Main Campus
9:00 AM | Sunday School - all ages
10:00AM | Contemporary Worship, Wesley Worship Ctr
10:00AM | Traditional Worship, Sanctuary
Nursery provided for infants up to age 2 in the Wesley Building during Sunday school and worship.